Extreme fantasy calls has been solely designed and intended for adult entertainment purposes only. All material found on this phone sex website as well as the private telephone conversations between our phone sex operators and clients are always fantasy in nature. Please be over the age of 21 when using our extreme fantasy service and placing a call.
We are x-rated fantasy artists who provide extreme phone sex fantasies and role play over the telephone. The women on this website are intelligent and experienced taboo fantasy operators within the phone sex service network of S.T. Connections Inc. All topics of discussion, both written on this website and spoken verbally over the telephone are for entertainment purposes only. We offer open, erotic conversations with no taboos and take great pride in making sure your calls are private, personalized and meet your sexual needs, desires and cravings. Your phone sex call(s) will always be handled in a professional manner and will be discreetly billed using our direct dial method of billing. Dial the operator of your choice and provide your credit card information to be billed prior to beginning your fantasy call.
Proceed with caution as you browse through our site...